Thursday, October 31, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 39

Journal - Essay Example The French government colonized Haiti at a time when slavery was as an aspect that would amount to great economic growth. From Dubois’ assertions, french government actually led to the increase in poverty level in Haiti through forcing Haiti government to take a loan from them that they would use to compensate slaves. The U.S is also to blame for Haiti’s poor economic growth; the U.S made Haiti be over depended on foreign support. Dubois, however, provides some different assertions offered for Haiti’s troubles. For instance, he mentions a religious leader that insisted that Haiti faces many natural calamities since they had sold themselves to the devil; practiced voodoo culture. Another claim points out that Haiti’s poverty results from the leadership it has had after it gained independence. Most of these leaders who happened to be freed slaves had greed and focused much on accumulating wealth for themselves, thereby creating corruption and dictatorship. Certainly, from my assumption, I think Haitians, the French Government and U.S government have to take responsibility for Haiti’s misfortunes. However, the blame should be more on the Haitians. Certainly, natural calamities such as earthquakes are rather unavoidable. However, shameful factors such as neocolonialism, corruption, poverty, crime, and poor economic growth can be because of certain actions from people. The Haitians should take blame for their high level of poverty, corruption and poor economic growth. The level of poverty in Haiti results from the corrupt and unstable governments that have existed (Wilentz), and incompetent citizens. In addition, poor economic growth also results from the high level of crime and corruption done by the Haitians themselves. Therefore, Haitians should stop blaming occurrences in history for their failures. However, the blame on the U.S government for increasing Haiti’s over dependence on foreign aid is justifiable. By doing this, the U.S

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Network Simulator Essay Example for Free

Network Simulator Essay INTRODUCTION IEEE 802.11 is the de facto standard for WLANs. It specifies both the medium access control (MAC) and the physical (PHY) layers for WLANs. The MAC layer operates on top of one of several physical layers. Medium access is performed using Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance. However, simple CSMA is susceptible to the hidden node problem, especially in so called ad hoc networks where a node may communicate directly with every other node in range or using intermediate nodes as relays otherwise. Hidden nodes cause costly packet collisions and thus significantly affect network performance. In order to combat the hidden node problem, a mechanism known as Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS) handshake is often used. RTS/CTS mechanism is supported in the IEEE 802.11 family of standards. The RTS/CTS mechanism was initially proposed in a protocol called Multiple- Access with Collision Avoidance (MACA). From a network point of view, one of the primary reasons for using the RTS/CTS mechanism is to avoid network congestion resulting from frequent packet collisions. Figure 1 depicts a conceptual â€Å"throughput versus Packet Size† curve for a network. In the presence of congestion, the throughput goes to zero as the Packet Size is increased beyond a certain value. A properly designed network, on the other hand, maintains the maximum throughput as the Packet Size goes to infinity. LITERATURE REVIEW The IEEE 802.11 standard includes an optional feature of the RTS/CTS (Request to Send/Clear to Send) function to control station access to the medium when collisions occur due to the hidden node. This option is also known as virtual carrier sensing. Through the proper use of RTS/CTS, you can fine-tune the operation of your wireless LAN since it solves the hidden node problem and provides additional protection against collisions. If you enable RTS/CTS on a particular station, it will refrain from sending a data frame until the station completes a RTS/CTS handshake with another station, such as an access point. A station initiates the process by sending a RTS frame. The access point (AP) or another station receives the RTS and responds with a CTS frame. The station must receive a CTS frame before sending the data frame. The CTS also contains a time value that alerts other stations to hold off from accessing the medium while the station initiating the RTS transmits  its data. Thus, the use of RTS/CTS reduces collisions and improves the performance of the network if hidden nodes are present. SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT We use Ns-3 as simulation tool. NS-3 is built using C++ and Python and scripting is available with both languages. The ns-3 library is wrapped to python thanks to the pybindgen library which delegates the parsing of the ns-3 C++ headers to gccxml and pygccxml to generate automatically the corresponding C++ binding glue. These automatically-generated C++ files are finally compiled into the ns-3 python module to allow users to interact with the C++ ns-3 models and core through python scripts. Graphical visualization of raw or processed data collected in a simulation is graphed using Gnuplot tool. Our experimental done in Ubuntu 11.10 with installation of all needed tools. Simulation environment based on the command below, sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ python mercurial NS-3 is available in (linux, osx, cygwin, mingw) and we deploy Development version: The development version is usually stable; a lot of people use it for daily work. RESULT ANALYSIS The results analysis are based on the following factors * Enabling and disabling RTS/CTS * Protocol bases, either UDP or TCP * WLAN standards which are IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g * Variation of Throughput, Packet Loss Ratio, Delay with Packet Size and Wifi Nodes. From the graphs below result obtained through the following * Disabling and enabling RTS/CTS * UDP protocol used * IEEE 802.11b standard used * Variation of Packet Size (500-2200) Considering the second result with use of TcpTahoe, TcpNewReno, TcpReno and UDP transport protocols with the following * Disabling and enabling RTS/CTS * UDP protocol used * IEEE 802.11b standard used * Variation of Packet Size Fig. Tahoe 1 Fig. Tahoe 2 Fig. Tahoe 3 Fig. Reno 1 Fig. Reno 2 Fig. Reno 3 Fig. Newreno 1 Fig. Newreno 2 Fig. Newreno 3 Considering the third result for different IEEE802.11 standards (802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g). * Disabling and enabling RTS/CTS * TCP protocol used * IEEE 802.11a/ IEEE 802.11b/ IEEE 802.11g standard used * Variation of Wifi Nodes Fig. 802.11a (i) Fig. 802.11a (ii) Fig. 802.11a (iii) Fig. 802.11b (i) Fig. 802.11b (ii) Fig. 802.11b (iii) Fig. 802.11g (i) Fig. 802.11g (ii) Fig. 802.11g (iii) CONCLUSION From the result analysis obtained above, it is clearly seen that IEEE 802.11a has better performance compared to other wireless standards due to the following reasons; * Provides maximum data rate of about 54 Mbps. * It operates in 5GHz ISM band. * It is not subjected to interference from other products designed , * It is characterized with higher throughput * It is suited for connectivity provision over densely populated user environment Also from the result analysis above, TCP Tahoe is the best TCP variant due to the following facts; * It is characterized by fast retransmit. * It is characterized by fast recovery. * Reduce congestion window REFERENCES 1. E. Ayanoglu, S. Paul, T. F. LaPorta, K. K. Sabnani, and R. D.Gitlin, â€Å"AIRMAIL: A link-layer protocol for wireless networks,† ACMACM/Baltzer Wireless Networks J., vol. 1, pp. 47–60, Feb. 1995. 2. A. Bakre and B. R. Badrinath, â€Å"Handoff and system support for indirectTCP/IP,† in Proc. 2nd Usenix Symp. Mobile and Location-IndependentComputing, Apr. 1995. 3. S. Keshav, â€Å"REAL: A Network Simulator,† University of California at * Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, Tech. Rep., 1988. * 4. V. Naoumov and A. Gross, â€Å"Simulation of Large Ad Hoc Networks,† In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and * Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, 2003.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Classification of Phylum Porifera

Classification of Phylum Porifera The porifera or sponges are marine animals and they consist of loosely organized cells.While all animals have unspecialized cells that can transform into specialized cells, sponges are unique in having some specialized cells that can transform into other types, often migrating between the main cell layers and the mesohyl in the process. Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory systems. Instead most rely on maintaining a constant water flow through their bodies to obtain food and oxygen and to remove wastes, and the shapes of their bodies are adapted to maximize the efficiency of the water flow. All are sessile aquatic animals and, although there are freshwater species, the great majority are marine (salt water) species. The outer surface of a sponge is lined with thin flat cells called the pinacocytes. these cells are mildly contractlie and due to this the shapes of some sponges changes.In many sponges pinacocytes are specialised into tubelike contractile porocytes. Openings in the porocytes act as pathways for water through the body wall and in this way they can regulate water circulation. Just below the pinacocyte layer of a sponge is a jelly like layer called the mesophyl. The mesenchyme cells also known as amoebiod cells move about the mesophyl and are specialised for reproduction, secreting skeletal elements, transporting and storing food and forming contractile rings around the openings in the sponge wall. Choanocytes also called the collar cells which are below the mesophyl line the inner chamber (s), these cells are flagelatted cells that have a collar like ring of microvilli, surrounding a flagellum.a net like mesh is formed in the collar when the microfilaments connect the microvilli the flagelum creates water currents through the sponge, and the collar filter microscopic food paqrticals from the water. Sponges are supported by a skeleton that may consist of microscopic needlelike spikes called spicules.amoebiod cells form spicules.these spicules are made of calcium carbonate or silica and may take on a variety of shapes.Alternatively, the skeleton may be made of spongin (a fibrous protien made of collagen). The nature of the skeleton is an important characteristic in the sponge taxonomy. Water Flow and Body Types A spongs life is dependent on the water currents the choanocytes create. The flow of the water brings food and oxygen to a sponge and carries away the metabolic and digestive wastes. The way the food is filtered and how the water circulates causes the phylum to have a certain body type. Three types of bodies have been described by the zoologists. Ascon: these are vase like sponges. Ostia are the outer openings of porocytes and lead directly to a chamber called spongocoel. Choanocytes line the spongocoel and water is drawn into it by the flagellar movement of choanocytes through the ostia. Water exits through a single large opening at the top of the sponge called the Osculum. Sycon: in this body form, the sponge wall appears to be folded. Water enters a Sycon sponge through openings called dermal pores. Dermal pores are the openings of invaginations of the body wall, called incurrent canals. Pores in the body wall connect incurrent canals to radial canals and the radial canals lead to spongocoeal. Radial canals are lined by the choanocytes, and the beating of the choanocyte flagella moves water from the ostia, through incurrent and radial canals, to the spongocoel, and out the Osculum. Leucon: sponges have an extensively branched canal system. Water enters the sponge through ostia and moves through branched incurrent canals. Canals leading away from the chambers are called the excurrent canals. Proliferation of chambers and canals has resulted in the absence of a spongocoeal, and often, multiple exits (oscula) for water leaving the sponge. Maintenance and Vital Functions Sponges consume particles that range in size from 0.1 to 50um. Their food consists of bacteria, microscopic algae, protest, and other suspended organic manner. The pray is slowly drawn into the sponge and consumed. Sponges help in reducing the turbidity of coastal waters. A single Leucon sponge, 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm in height can filter in excess of 20 litres of water everyday. Small suspended food particles are filtered by the choanocytes. Water passes through their collar near the base of the cell and moves into a sponge chamber at the opening end of the collar. Suspended food is trapped on the collar and moved along the microvilli to the base of the collar, where it is incorporated into a food vacuole. With pH changes and lysosomal enzyme activity the food is digested. Partially digested food is passed to amoeboid cells, which distribute it to other cells. Sponges are not limited to feed by the filtration method. Pinococytes lining the incurrent canals may phagocytize larger food particles up to 50um. Nutrients dissolved in the sea water can be actively transported by the sponge. Sponges dont have nerve cells to coordinate body functions. Most reactions occur due to individuals responding to a stimulus e.g. water circulation in some sponges is minimum at sunrise and at a maximum just before sunset because light inhibits the constriction of porocytes and other cells surrounding ostia keeping incurrent canals open. Other reactions however suggest some communication among cells. For example the rate of water circulation through the sponge can drop suddenly without and apparent external cause. This reaction can be due only choanocytes ceasing activities more or less simultaneously, and this implies some form of internal communication. The nature of this communication is unknown. Amoeboid cells transmitting chemicals messages and ion movement over cell surfaces are possible control mechanisms. Due to the presence of an extensive canal system and circulation of large volumes of water through sponges, all sponge cells are in close contact with water and so the nitrogenous waste removal and gaseous exchange occurs by diffusion Some sponges host photosynthesizing micro-organisms as endosymbionts and this coalation often results in the production of more food and oxygen than can be consumed. Freshwater sponges often host green algae as endosymbionts within archaeocytes and other cells, and benefit from nutrients produced by the algae. Many marine species host other photosynthesizing organisms.The spicules made of silica conduct light into the mesohyl, where the photosynthesizing endosymbionts live. Sponges that host photosynthesizing organisms are commonest in waters with relatively poor supplies of food particles, and often have leafy shapes that maximize the amount of sunlight they collect. Few sponges are carnivorous. They can capture small crustaceans using spicule-covered filaments. In most cases little is known about how they actually capture prey. Most known carnivorous sponges have completely lost the water flow system and choanocytes. Sponges do not have the complex immune systems of most other animals. However they reject grafts from other species but accept them from other members of their own species. In a few marine species, grey cells act as the guards for the sponges. When invaded, they produce a chemical that stops movement of other cells in the affected area, thus preventing the intruder from using the sponges internal transport systems. If the intrusion persists, the grey cells accumulate in the area and release toxins that kill all cells in the area. The immune systems stay activated for up to 3 weeks or so. Reproduction Most sponges are monoecious but do not usually self fertilise because individual produce eggs and sperms at different times. Certain choanocytes lose their collar and their flagella undergo meiosis and form flagellated sperms. Other choanocytes and amoeboid cells in some sponges probably undergo meiosis to form eggs. Sperm and eggs are released from sponge oscula. Fertilisation occurs in the ocean water resulting in planktonic larvae development. In some sponges the eggs are retained inside the mesophyl of the parent. Sperm cells exit one sponge through the Osculum and enter another sponge with the incurrent water. Choanocytes trap the sperms and incorporate them into vacuole. The choanocytes lose their collar and flagellum; they become amoeboids, and transport the sperm to the eggs. In some sponges, early development occurs in the mesophyl. Cleavage of a zygote results in the formation of a flagellated larval stage. The breaks free and is carried the water carries it away from the parent sponge. After about two days the larva settles in a suited environment and starts to mature into and adult. Asexual reproduction also occurs in some sponges. This involves the formation of resistant capsules, called gemmules which contain masses of amoeboid cells. At the death of the parent sponge in winter, gemmules are released from them which can survive adverse conditions. When favourable condition are observed in spring time the amoeboid cells stream out of a tiny opening, called the micropyle, and organise into a sponge. Some sponges have the remarkable power of regeneration. Though this is possible if the right cells are present in the sponge. A few species reproduce by budding Ecology Sponges are very competitive for living space .Many sponges shed spicules, forming a dense carpet several meters deep that keeps away organism which would otherwise prey on the sponges. They also produce toxins that prevent other sessile organisms such as bryozoans or sea squirts from growing on or near them. Sponges are important ecological constituents of reef communities, but they do not commonly contribute to the construction of reef frameworks. Habitats Sponges are worldwide in their distribution, from the Polar Regions to the tropics. Most are found to be in quiet and clear waters because sediment stirred up by waves or currents block their pores, making it difficult for them to feed and breathe. The greatest numbers of sponges are usually found on firm surfaces such as rocks, but some sponges are found on soft sediment they attach themselves by means of a root-like base. Sponges are more abundant but less diverse in temperate waters than in tropical waters, possibly because organisms that prey on sponges are more abundant in tropical waters. Uses The calcium carbonate or silica spicules are too rough for most uses, but two genera, Hippospongia and Spongia, have soft, entirely fibrous skeletons. Early Europeans used soft sponges for many purposes including padding for helmets, portable drinking utensils and municipal water filters. Sponges were used as cleaning tools, applicators for paints and ceramic glazes and discreet contraceptives. The luffa sponge, which is commonly sold for use in the kitchen or the shower, is not derived from an animal but from the fibrous skeleton of a gourd. Sponges have medicinal potential due to the presence in sponges themselves or their microbial symbionts of chemicals that may be used to control viruses, bacteria, tumours and fungi.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Executive summary This report discusses how management prepares them to anticipate change in the business environment in the long run and short run too. Change is very important for each and every organization in today’s world because world today has become a daily changing place and in order to keep pace with the changing world we need to bring about a constant change in our organizations, too. There are certain methods by which the senior management can prepare them for anticipating the need for change. The first method is by doing a detailed research and studying for the change. The second method involves having the awareness about the ever changing needs of people and the change process. The third method discusses about having a complete understanding about the compulsion and urgency for change. Lastly, being mentally tough for the change process is the fourth method to prepare the management for anticipating change in the short and long run. Introduction: Change is a constant and ingoing process in an organization. Change can be defined as one of the many characteristics of organization development. The change efforts are based on the analysis of particular problems and their purpose is to attain specific goals. Change is not an easy thing to implement and anticipate. It is a difficult and a challenging process; therefore the management has to take certain steps in order to prepare them for antedating the change in business environment. The senior management can prepare themselves for a change through studying and researching about change, by having a sound awareness about the change process and by understanding the necessity of change and by being mentally tough about the change process. All in all, a constant change is ... ...reparing them for anticipating the need for change that will be necessary for the organization. This is most applicable for the long run change because if the senior management is working for the environment today they will be efficient to keep a check on the long range changes too, that are being forecasted for the future. Conclusion: Change is required for all types of organizations and in every field. Whether the change is long range or short range the senior management will have to prepare them for the change process. The factors that can prepare the senior management to anticipate change are consciousness about the change, research and study, identifying the necessity for change and the mental toughness for change process. The senior management must possess these factors in order to prepare them for anticipating the long range as well as the short range change.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hunger in San Diego Persuasive Speech

1 | Page . Attention Step . When will you eat next? Will you be eating dinner tonight? . Need Step . Today, there are over 446,000 people that are going hungry in San Diego County. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/hunger-in-san-diego/ . A story of a fellow San Diegan and her family who are also having hunger problems. 1. Alejandra in her late 20s moved in with her sister Marisol, her husband, and her three kids to help take care of them. 2. Marisol worked days and Alejandra nights so there was always someone to take care of the kids. 3.Marisol’s husband lost his job as construction worker, Marisol was laid off from hers as a housekeeper at a Holiday Inn, and then Alejandra lost her restaurant job. 4. It became hard for them to find work, but eventually Marisol’s husband found few jobs as a handyman and Marisol worked cleaning a few houses. 5. Barely got by, and it was hard for them. 6. Cupboards were generally empty except for a little of rice and beans. 7. Main concern was children, so adults would often eat little or nothing at all so the kids would have enough. . Eventually got support from church and then San Diego Food Bank. †¢ Here is a picture of Alejandra picking up food at the San Diego Food Bank. That is a real story about a real hunger problem. http://sandiegofoodbank. org/newstypes/client-profiles/ 2. Feedingamericasd. org says that: †¢ 1 out of 4 children in San Diego don't know where their next meal is coming from†¦ †¢ Scientific evidence suggests that hungry children are less likely to become productive citizens. A child who is unequipped to learn because of hunger and poverty is more likely to be poor as an adult. . You see†¦. our bodies are like engines, engines need fuel, we need food, and both are required to move forward. 2. So next this quote is from sandiegohungercoalition. org, Ken Hecht, executive director of California food policy advocate says that: â€Å"Given the extent of food insecurity in San Di ego County and across the country, we must not undermine critical efforts to protect families against hunger, and improve health through good nutrition,† You know†¦.. we must all realize that hunger can happen to any of us, all it takes is: †¢ Losing our job †¢ Having a health crisis †¢ Or any other unusual emergency expense. Such as a major car repair. ?And†¦ We must all be aware†¦That it’s important that San Diego County has food bank agencies to provide support to people who are low income or have sudden crises. . Satisfaction Step . We†¦.. Should look for opportunities†¦ to support the San Diego Food Bank. . There are many ways to support the Food Bank, we can†¦ †¢ Donate food items Support them financially †¢ Or we can volunteer. . aThe San Diego Food Bank has been around since 1977 and has been serving ever since because of†¦ People’s food†¦ financial†¦ and voluntary support. . So†¦Y es, this solution will take time out of your day and/or money if you would like to help. But, think of the good you would do by simply donating 10 dollars, taking 3 hours out of your Saturday or Sunday, or even collecting a few cans of food from your neighbors or workplace to just do something good for a local family in need. Visualization Step . So†¦just look around places you go in San Diego, maybe you see a homeless guy asking for money for food, or maybe it’s your next door neighbor who doesn’t have enough to eat, or maybe even a friend who’s hungry but too reluctant to say. †¢ The sad fact is that nearly half a million people in San Diego County don’t have enough to eat. . Imagine that there was a place where all of those hungry people could go to get food. I know of a place, the San Diego Food Bank. . Action Step . Fact is†¦people are hungry†¦. ut the San Diego Food Bank is there to help. . So today, I would like to encourage you to pull out your phones when you leave this classroom today, simply text capital letters â€Å"SD† to 20222, and this will make a 10$ donation to the San Diego Food Bank, just a simple thing, yet that 10 dollars will provide 30 meals for people in need. . This week, I myself am going to make a ten dollar donation and drop off a bag of food to the Food Bank. . If San Diegans work together, we can eliminate hunger in San Diego County.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sia Singapore Airline

Executive Summary The report provides an overview of the company and its environment. The paper identifies various resources and capabilities available to the company. The various strategies that Singapore Airlines utilise and how they affect the airlines performance. Key issues have been identified that threaten Singapore Airlines current market. The often complicated Government regulations and global laws that affect the airline industry have been defined and explained. Current industry issues and trends that affect Singapore Airlines have been researched, a number of recommendations have been provided, as a possible solution.Overview of Singapore Airlines Singapore Airlines (SIA) first flights began in 1947 partnered with Malaysian Airlines, each funded by there governments. The two airlines mainly serviced South East Asia. Singapore separated from Malaysia in 1965 to become the republic of Singapore. The two governments therefore decided to go there own ways and set up there own airlines. In 1972 Singapore Airlines was launched. The domestic market was basically non existent due to Singapore being a small country geographically.Singapore Airlines had to immediately pursue an international presence and started planning flight routes, airport resources, and government acceptance into foreign destinations etc. SIA also had to establish themselves as a genuine competitor and market the airline internationally to potential customers and future stakeholders. Today, SIA has more than 10,000 employees and 95 aircrafts. The airline now serves 89 destinations around the world including Asia, Europe, North America, Middle East, Australasia, and Africa. ( www. airlines. priceline. om) SIA is situated at Changi Airport along with subsidiaries Silkair and Tiger Airlines. ‘In 2004, Changi Airport received a record 30,400,000 passengers, a year-on-year growth of 23. 1% in passenger traffic. Similarly, a record 1,780,000 tonnes of cargo was moved, representing a year- on-year increase of 10. 2% in airfreight volume’. (http://en. wikipedia. org). Changi Airport is classed as â€Å"the hub of Asia†, Changi provides stopovers, refuelling, and passenger exchange for all the international airlines travelling from one side of the world to the other.Changi Airport is also expanding to accommodate for there cut price airline and new Airbuses arriving in 2006. Analysis of Singapore Airlines Environment In analysing the environment, the important external influences that effect performance and decisions of Singapore airlines have been detailed in this section. The airline industry has been strongly controlled by agreements and policies. Airlines couldn’t just fly to any destination or country without appropriate authorisation. Most countries have there own national airline that are generally government backed and hold a big influence on there operation.The governments also implement policies and regulations to control foreign airline a ccess to there airports. Some countries now have deregulated there national airline industry to reduce the amount of government control, and make access to airports/services more open for negotiation. Countries that have employed this action are the United States, Australia, European Union and Japan. The deregulation of the Airline industry opens doors for more entrants to the market and increased competition.Singapore Airlines is still owned by the Singapore government and is still affected by such controls. The Singapore government has signed an agreement with the United States called â€Å"Open Skies† that gives both countries unrestricted flight access to each others countries. The open skies phenomenon is gathering momentum and more and more countries are signing up. Singapore Airlines is currently in negotiations with Australia, to reach an agreement regarding open skies access down under. Basically the countries that gain open skies agreements are able to expand on exi sting business.The airline industry is highly competitive industry and the rival airlines are always taking advantage of any opportunity to gain more destinations. Statistics show Asia’s population is steadily increasing every year and this contributes to the increase in flights. Asia is recognised as the hotspot for air travel at present and into the future. Asia-Pacific intercontinental flights are up 7% and there has been growth of 8% intra-regional services (www. oag. com). This interest in the area has seen new cut price airlines emerge to cater for the demand. SIA has established its own low price airline Tiger Airlines to satisfy demand.Other environmental factors influencing SIA and the airline industry are rising fuel prices. The price rise in fuel causes a cost increase in the running of flights, therefore a rise in ticket prices. SIA have just passed a decision to put a US$10 surcharge on ticket prices to accommodate the fuel rise. Terrorism has caused massive econ omic losses for airline industry and also bankruptcy. Terrorism strikes happen at any time without warning and destinations around the world that are directly affected by terrorism attacks see a dramatic stop in airline flights.The airlines cannot predict these attacks from happening and have to build such occurrences into there risk management policies. Review of the Industry Structure In analysing the industry structure this report uses Porters 5 Forces. The five forces look at the Threat of New Entrants, Power of Suppliers, Power of Buyers, Availability of Substitutes, and Competitive Rivalry. Threat of New Entrants: The international airline industry has high barriers to entry for a number of reasons, firstly there are quite high costs involved in setting up an industry.As mentioned previously, gaining flight access to foreign countries and obtaining airport space is another hurdle that stands in the way of new entrants. The current airlines dominating the industry are constantl y working on maximising cost efficiency, and performance to discourage any new entrants and to try force out existing poor operators. The Domestic industry is more attractive to new entrants as it doesn’t have as much complications as the international side and lower barriers to entry. Power of Suppliers: The aircraft suppliers of the airline industry are dominated by two suppliers Boeing and Airbus.The aircrafts engines are standardised so both aircraft manufacturers have similar engines. Boeing and Airbus both outsource there parts for there planes and generally use the same suppliers. The body frames and interiors is where the two manufacturers can differentiate there product. Due to the standardisation of engines the switching costs of suppliers is reduced and airlines. (De Melo, 2000) Power of Buyers: The power of buyers is low in the airline industry as switching costs are high. Most airlines are similar inside; it’s more the service that sets them apart.Most air lines follow each other on prices and cause buyers to pay there price, on the other hand new entrants my cause price competition and therefore a buyers market. (www. fool. com). Availability of Substitutes: The substitutes that could threaten the airline are cars, boats and trains. These substitutes are not that much of a threat to aeroplane travel. Airlines are generally is used to cover large distances in a short period of time, and was establish to fill a demand that the other forms of travel couldn’t accommodate as effectively.Alternate measures of transport are more of a personal choice not a direct parallel substitute. (www. fool. com). Competitive Rivalry: The airline industry is highly competitive and price wars are a common occurrence. There is constant fighting for territory and expansion. Major players in the industry concentrate on lowering there costs and improving service to deter new entrants. What Key resources available to Singapore Airlines? Singapore Airlin es is a well establish international airline with strong profitable track record.The company has a government ownership and also private stakeholders. The airline has always been profitable and the funds reinvested back into the company, to build on capital. The table below shows that last 3 years financials and even in the case of the S. A. R. S breakout in 2004 they still posted a profit. [pic] Aside from just financial capital, Singapore Airlines has many other resources listed below: †¢ Changi airport the home of Singapore Airlines is one of the largest freight handling facilities in the world, and is the most popular hub in Asia. †¢Singapore has a resource of about 95 aircrafts that now are brought internally and not leased; the aircrafts are generally replaced every 4-5 years. †¢ Singapore Airlines has built a mass of 89 international flight destinations. †¢ The airline has built a human resource training facility. †¢ Changi Airport hosts SIA state of art engineering company that services there planes and other international airlines. SIA also has one of the largest flight kitchens in the world situated at Changi. †¢ SIA belongs to the Star Alliance where other airlines join resources together to increase coverage around the world.Star alliance covers 790 airports in 138 countries. †¢ Finally the brand attribute, is probably there most powerful resource. â€Å"Singapore Girl you’re a great way to fly† Has been strongly nurtured over the last 32 years to be the most recognised brand and icon in the airline industry, Singapore Airline has many capabilities that support there resources, these are: †¢ Latest technological and communication products linking there global network. †¢ Huge investment in human resources, this provides highly skilled workers and management. †¢ Expansive destination coverage due to Star Alliance. State of the art freight facilities that link with the port shipping auth ority What it takes to be successful in the Airline Industry and What strategies are used by Singapore Airlines? Singapore Airlines is basically the trend setter of the airline industry. SIA has employed many innovative strategies since it began. These strategies have been supported and strengthen over the years, and have led to the success, the company enjoys today. To be successful in the airline industry you have to employ superior efficiency, quality, innovation and customer responsiveness.SIA has exercised a quality/service differentiation strategy to become one of the leaders in the passenger airline industry. ‘Singapore Airlines has carefully built a financial and fixed cost infrastructure which allows them to continue investing to support the brand while challenging the competition on costs’. (www. venturerepublic. com) More recently Singapore Airlines became a member with the star alliance, which helps the company maintain economies of scale by code sharing, wh ere SIA can offer services on another airline under its own flight codes and offer more destinations.By building solid capital the airline now enables them to purchase aircrafts and equipment internally without the need for leases and interest. This has enable SIA to have the latest aircrafts and renew them every 5 years. By having a new fleet the company is able to be more efficient with regards to fuel economy, maintenance, and have less downtime. (www. venturerepublic. com). Another benefit of owning aircrafts outright gives flexibility if there is a dramatic decline in the economy, SIA has the freedom of not being locked into long leases and aircrafts can be disposed of, if need be.Therefore they can handle the ups and downs of the economy, more so than competitors. (www. venturerepublic. com). Singapore Airlines have always concentrated on being innovative, as mentioned above they replace there airlines every 4-5 years taking advantage of new technology. The company has always the first to introduce new innovative ideas for example hot meals, free alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, Hot towels, personal entertainment systems, and video on demand. SIA will also be the first to own the new Airbus Super jumbo A-380 in 2006. www. allaboutbranding. com) SIA is committed to providing a world class quality and service, the airline allocates a substantial amount of time and money into there staff training and education. The company has 4 training facilities with various programs that exercise classroom, work experience and simulation strategies. (www. trainersdirect. com) SIA has more concentration on staff training than any other airline. Singapore Airlines employees have to complete a 4 month training course before they are even allowed to serve a customer.On average in 1997 Singapore Airlines spent $5600 per staff per year on training. The emphasis on staff training is so they can provide the best quality service. (www. trainersdirect. com) The branding of SIA is based on quality. SIA have the strongest brand name in the airline industry. â€Å"Singapore girl you’re a great way to fly† has been there brand of quality for the last 32 years. ‘The icon has become so strong that Madame Tussaud’s Museum in London started to display the Singapore Girl in 1994 as the first commercial figure ever’. (www. venturerepublic. com).The airline provides the best on flight cuisine including fine wines, and cocktails. Complimentary gifts are received on each level of passenger class. SIA have maintained a policy that once a passenger pays for there ticket there is no more to pay. (www. venturerepublic. com). Some airlines in tough economic times have started to charge for in-flight drinks and entertainment where SIA haven’t. This commitment to quality has won the airline numerous international awards and differentiated themselves from other airlines. Some issues facing Singapore AirlinesThe Airline has purchased a number of the new Airbus Super jumbo A-380, which could be a bit premature due to the fact they are still in negotiations with the Australian government over open skies. The Australian government holds the key to Singapore gaining open skies agreements, if an agreement is reached Singapore will be able expand and benefit from long haul flights between Australia and United States. On the flip side the introduction of the new airbuses into the industry will cause less demand on Singapore as a stop-over, refuelling hub.Airlines that adopt the new airbuses will be able to bypass previous stopovers and enjoy cost savings. As explained earlier there has been a dramatic increase in demand for inter-Asia flights. Rival players have noticed the increase in demand and have implemented there own low cost airlines. E. g. Australia’s Jet Star. Recommendations and Justifications Singapore Airlines conduct a very professional business they have a strong brand, strong human resources and ma nagement, advanced facilities and a proven track record as being one of the top airlines for the last 20 years. I recommend: The airline pursue â€Å"open skies† agreements to expand there destinations. †¢ Establish the long haul routes with the new Airbus technology before rival airlines purchase the aircrafts. †¢ Keep strong emphasis on the brand name and quality of service. †¢ Utilise some of the success factor from SIA on the new low-cost airline to compete with new rival competitors establishing themselves in the Asian market. †¢ Promote Changi Airports engineering and freight facilities to the new inter-Asian airlines as long haul flights maybe bypassing Singapore’s Changi Airport in the future. Stay with the competitive advantage outlined above, using the differentiation strategy. †¢ Maintain the innovation and complimentary products. †¢ Help support the Star Alliance to improve customer satisfaction. It is very hard to recommend a lot of strategies for Singapore airlines to undertake, as they have been leaders in the industry for so long and have developed award winning strategies that have made them very successful. This report has been constructed from a wide array of research that has complemented Singapore Airlines various approaches to conducting business.

securities and exchanges commission essays

securities and exchanges commission essays To: Securities and Exchange Commission From: Bryan Economic Analysis, Inc. Re: Report on Stock Prices of Internet Companies In Response to the SEC memorandum regarding the adoption of the policy of capping the stock prices of internet-related companies at 90% of their current value, Bryan Economic Analysis, Inc. has come to the following conclusions. Bryan Economic Analysis, Inc. agrees that if something is not done regarding the price of stock of internet-related companies, a drastic drop in the price of these stocks will eventually occur. This drop in the price of these stocks will have an incredibly adverse effect on the state of the US economy and the world stock market in general. The problem of this venture would be that capping of stock prices will result in temporary inefficiencies and a shortage in the market for stocks. However, the capping of stock prices is highly necessary to the future of the US economy. If the prices of these stocks continue to rise without check, the inevitable drop would cause the US to enter into an era of deep recession. The fate of the US economy depends on the capping of the stock prices of internet-related companies. If something were not done, the US economy and the worlds financial markets would experience devastating consequences. This report intends to show why it is necessary to put a cap on the price of stock of internet-related companies for the continuation of a prosperous economy, even though short-term inefficiencies will occur. If the SEC were to put a cap on the price of stock of internet-related companies, several things would occur. First of all, the price would be lowered by 10%, causing an increase in the quantity of stock demanded, because buyers are more willing to buy at the lower price. The demand cur ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analyzing Indirect Action In The Cherry Orchard And The Ghosts English Literature Essay Essays

Analyzing Indirect Action In The Cherry Orchard And The Ghosts English Literature Essay Essays Analyzing Indirect Action In The Cherry Orchard And The Ghosts English Literature Essay Paper Analyzing Indirect Action In The Cherry Orchard And The Ghosts English Literature Essay Paper Actions or events do non needfully hold to be physically shown to the audiences because there are assortment of ways of ratting and portraying an image or an action that becomes the footing of a drama. Indirect action, which is neer seen on phase is that excess spice added by the dramatist to arouse the complications that are indispensable to foster a secret plan. It involves action of import to the secret plan happening off-stage. The audience does non see the action go oning in forepart of their eyes but they learn about it by watching characters stressing on the of import inside informations. Indirect action helps make tenseness, suspense and besides intensifies understanding of the secret plan for the reader. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Henrik Ibsen have both used indirect action to determine some of the most interesting scenes of the dramas The Cherry Orchard and Ghosts. In the gap act of Cherry Orchard, Anya s description of the rough status her female parent is in is an illustration of indirect action. This is apparent from Anya s statement when I arrived there were a batch of Gallic work forces with her and ladies, and an old Catholic priest with a book, and it was really uncomfortable and full of baccy fume I all of a sudden felt so regretful for mama, oh so regretful! [ 1 ]The girls nature of being cognizant and concerned is seen.Through the usage of ocular imagination the apprehension is made clear and the audience has been made to understand that Madame Ranevsky is running low on fiscal footings. Madame Ranevsky s character of being an dreamer is explored through the undermentioned lines and mama wo nt understand! We got out at a station to hold dinner, and she asks for all most expensive things and gives the servers a tip. [ 2 ]The girl s point of position is that the female parent is incognizant of the constitution being on the brink of b ankruptcy and wants to go on taking her epicurean life. The audience has been made cognizant of these cases even though it was nt acted on phase. The Cherry Orchard is the most of import symbol in the drama ; it is neer brought into the direct vision of the audience and is merely spoken approximately. The impact of the red grove on the different characters of the drama is really important in fostering the secret plan woven by Chekhov. In Act 1, Madame Ranevsky, the proprietor of the estate is reminded by Lopakhin that the estate will be auctioned in August to pay the mortgage of the estate. Lopakhin adds on by stating, but do nt you be uneasy my beloved lady ; sleep peace to the full ; there is a manner out of it. [ 3 ]It has become clear that the cherry grove is an built-in portion of Madame Ranevsky s life and it is a symbol of her young person and childhood. Chekov has expeditiously brought out the true nature of characters through their ain words, for case, when Anya says, there was person in the kitchen merely now stating that the cherry grove was sold today. Madame Ranevsky, Sold? Who to? Anya, he did nt state who to. [ 4 ]This action which was set off phase brings in forepart the consequence of the auction and reveals Madame Ranvesky s involvement in the ownership of the red grove. Lopakhin s address at the terminal of act 3, narrating the sale of red grove, is the most of import case of indirect acti on in the drama. Lopakhin: I bid nine thousand more than the mortgage and got it ; and now the cherry grove is mine! Mine! [ 5 ]Although the audience does non see the sale but is made cognizant about it merely through this indirect action around which the full drama is fused. Heavens alive merely think of it! The red grove is mine! State me that I am intoxicated: state me that I am of my caput: state me that it s all a dream! do nt express joy at me! I have bought the belongings where my male parent and gramps were slaves were they were nt even allowed into the kitchen. [ 6 ]Lopakhin shows his felicity after geting the cherry grove. Lopakhin s statement reveals the patterns of the clip when bondage was in pattern and the development of slaves that existed so. In this period of clip, a major population of helot in Russia was freed open uping a long anticipated societal alteration. Indirect action plays a critical function in this drama ; the memories of the yesteryear have resurfaced through the usage of indirect action. The characters are haunted by shades they are unable to command. The characters are invariably reminded about the memories of the yesteryear. Both captain Alving and Johanna are dead, yet both are responsible for blossoming the calamity. The relationship between different characters is vexing. In the gap act, the conversation between Mrs. Alving and Manders inside informations the relationship that existed between Mrs. Alving and captain Alving. When Oswald was born, I thought I saw a little betterment. But it did non last long. And after that I had to contend double hard-fight a despairing battle so that no 1 should cognize what kind of a adult male my kid s male parent was. [ 7 ]The battle Mrs. Alving is speaking about in the words quoted above, is the procedure which she practiced in order to white wash the repute forged by her hubby. Mrs. Alving in conversation with Manders references all past cases and reveals about all her experiences and agonies. Manders you have so had a pathetic experience. Manders. And this is the adult male you are constructing a commemoration to. [ 8 ]The commemoration which is being talked about is the orphanhood, an orphanhood which was built by Mrs. Alving to mend the harm that captain Alving had done to his repute. Subsequently on in the conversation [ from the dining room is heard the noise of a chair falling ; so Regina s voice is heard in a loud susurration: Oswald are you huffy? allow me travel! Mander s what s the affair? What is it Mrs. Alving? Ghosts. The twosome in the conservatory-over once more. ][ 9 ]The present state of affairs of off-stage action is compared to the old one where captain Alving was shown to be acquiring close to Johanna as Oswald is making now. Mrs. Alving presumes the shade of captain Alving is act uponing Oswald. Oswald I began to experience the most violent strivings in my head-mostly at the dorsum, I think. It was as if a tight set of Fe was pressing on me from my cervix upwards. [ 10 ]The hurting felt by Oswald is a consequence of his vermoulu disease which was inherited signifier his male parent and besides reveals that the wickednesss of the male parent are visited on the kids. Indirect action has helped in the patterned advance of the chief subject the past haunting the present . Regina: Mrs. Alving! Listen! They are shouting outside.Oswald: what can be the affair? Where does the blaze come from? Regina the orphanhood is on fire! [ 11 ]The combustion of the orphanhood is the most important illustration of indirect action. The orphanhood can be compared to the cherry grove which is the basis of the drama. The combustion of the orphanhood signifies that the characters can non be freed from the shade which they have to endure. Many cases of indirect action are explored in these plants of Chekhov and Ibsen. Whether it was sale of the red grove or the combustion of the orphanhood. They both are similar in demoing a alteration taking topographic point, every bit good as the patterned advance of clip. Towards the terminal of both plays the reader does recognize that what is non seen is best described through indirect action. Indirect action happens to be the most of import technique in order to come on the cardinal thoughts in both the plants.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Conflict Spectrum in Crime and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Conflict Spectrum in Crime and Analysis - Essay Example Prior to September 11, many undocumented workers did not have the correct validation, which creates a huge security burden in America. The Department of Defense has recognized this as a fact false or poor screened background checks were common, which made an easy avenue for terrorists to enter the country without proper validation. This new policy has been the hallmark of the new policy at 2015. This is undoubtedly a huge step up from the previous policies because policies dictate results when fighting crime and cybercrime as well. Secondly, Clark is calling for a mutual support when combatting crime and insists of a collaborative effort than cellos that are created within the organization. This has been prominent as the complexity of crimes has increased from previous years. Clark calls for a mesh network analysis in which agencies worked together to ensure that they are sharing information rather than chasing leads by

Friday, October 18, 2019

Thin film lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Thin film lab - Essay Example Introduction: Evaporation is a physical vapor deposition process, which involves vaporization of material to be coated through thermo-mechanical treatments, transport of that material in vapor phase to the substrate surface, and consequent deposition on the surface of the substrate based on adhesion (Pulker, 1999). Evaporation is a very common technique for film deposition, which has been used since ages to coat glass, silicon and other substrates with coatings of a very wide range of materials. The most common technique used to characterize film growth for evaporation deposited films employs measurement of surface film resistivity, which depicts the behavior of formation of islands of nuclei of various sizes, followed by Ostwald Ripening, sintering and cluster migration, leading to continuous film growth (Ohring, 1992). Using these vastly used deposition and characterization techniques, we deposited and analyzed copper films. Theory: Evaporation deposition technique involves three e ssential steps (Thornton, 1988): 1. Evaporation of material to be coated to obtain vapors for deposition. 2. Transport of vapors to substrate for deposition. 3. Physisorption of vapors on substrate surface, leading to nucleation and film growth. Resistance heating is a method to carry out evaporation of the target material. This is done simply by using wires or plates of high resistance, which have high resistance heating in accordance with Joule’s Law (COMSOL, 1998-2011). Wires, filaments, boats, plates or other shapes of these heaters may be used in accordance with the shape of the element to be evaporated. Refractory metals such as tungsten, tantalum and others are used for this purpose. Sublimation furnaces, crucible sources or electron beam evaporators can also be used as the heating technique (Ohring, 1992). Vapor phase transport depends on mean free path of the gas used. Mean free path is the average distance that a molecule travels in a gas chamber between two consecu tive collisions (Weisstein, 1996-2007). Pressure is the main factor controlling the mean free path. Depending upon the pressure and mean free path, different pressure ranges are termed as low vacuum, medium vacuum, high vacuum or ultrahigh vacuum as shown below: Figure 1: Vacuum Ranges Shown with Pressure Ranges for Comparison. Illustration from Ohring, 1992. Surface preparation is an essential part of surface deposition processes, which include surface cleanliness, substrate preheating, plasma assistance with evaporation and other factors. All these factors and the processing parameters of the evaporation technique combine to produce the morphology, growth rate and microstructure of the deposited films (Thornton, 1978; Holland, 1956; Caswell, 1963). Experimental Method: As has been mentioned, surface cleaning plays an important role in the deposition. To make sure the substrate is not contaminated – which may lead to deposit contamination – we used gloves throughout t he handling process. The four glass slides were agitated in a vibration tank to loosen contaminants, cleaned with alcohol, followed by blow drying of the cleansed slides with argon. These glass slides were then placed in marked containers. The evaporator preparation consisted of the following steps: 1. Tungsten wire was wound to form a filament. 2. Copper pieces, which were to be evaporated later, were placed on the tungsten filament at three places. 3. Glass slides were placed in premade stencils to ensure

Report on the analysis of the workplace behavior of Western Sydney Essay

Report on the analysis of the workplace behavior of Western Sydney - Essay Example Therefore the promotion of Carlene is appropriate. This therefore means that Carlene has a duty of meeting the requirements of Western Sydney, which is something she has proven to be capable of right from her position at the middle rank. Although Western Sydney is the main revenue generator for the group, it is worthwhile for them to put Carlene there as the CEO since she has the qualities necessary to steer the company to meet the requirements they have. Her one-month work at Western Sydney was a good point to get her to familiarize herself with the work environment and make changes as and when necessary. Carlene's identification of the stagnation and the traditionalist approach used by the Western Sydney was her justification for the alteration of the subsidiary's strategy from a conservative one to a more profitable business model that will generate profits. This is therefore the impetus for the need to change certain structures in different departments of Western Sydney, includin g the Operations Department where it can be logically inferred that the Operations Manager is maintaining a very traditionalist and authoritative structure which supports the stagnation identified by Carlene. There is therefore the need for the MD to give Carlene all the necessary support to attain this to ensure that Western Sydney, the cash cow of the group remains productive into the future. In the confrontation between the Operations Manager and the junior staff member, Carlene was using the mild form of disciplinary action in organizations, counseling to try to assert the fact that the Operations Manager went too far by physically assaulting the junior staff member. Assertive behavior is where an individual tries to justify,... The Operations Manager is undoubtedly a very experienced individual in what he does. He seem to have the competencies necessary to move the company to its strategic destination. All other individuals working at the company this therefore makes him a rare individual and a vital part of any progressive activity that they would be involved in. Such an individual needs to be included in the strategy of the organization even if he has some excesses as this operations manager seem to have. The Operations Manager seem to be in independent minded individual who always wants to do things according to a given plan or target. This is evident in the fact that the previous CEO stated that he is able to work within budget and meet targets. This presents the OM as a traditionalist who always works according to laid down principles and procedures. He appears to be a disciplined person and a disciplinarian who treasures authoritative systems and structures.

News Director at a television station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

News Director at a television station - Essay Example In the television business ratings are important. Programs that are able to obtain higher ratings can be used by television stations as cash cows that generate extra revenues because companies are willing to pay higher prices for ads aired in shows that have higher ratings. If I was faced with a scenario in which my news program had achieved low ratings during the last few weeks then I would choose the death of the celebrity as my lead story. Celebrities are icon figures that the general public follows closely. When a celebrity dies the entire media covers the story because people want to know about it. Another reason for choosing the celebrity story over the recreation parks story is because at the beginning of a news telecast it is always important to catch the attention of the viewers. A lot of television watchers are very impulsive viewers especially when it comes to watching news. If a person likes the initial news of the telecast the company increases the chances of retaining t he viewer throughout the entire program. The news story about the city council shutting down the recreational parks three days a week has a lot of social impact. A lot of mothers are going to be affected by this decision because they will have no place to take their kids to play during the days the parks are close down. This news story despite its importance to society would not be chosen by me as lead story when I have a sure top news story that can bring in better ratings. As I mentioned earlier in this industry one has to adapt and make decision depending on the circumstances. ... During political campaign season this story has greater appeal because of the political angle associated with the recreational parks story. During such as season due to the social impact and political implications I would not hesitate to choose this story as my lead. Both stories were good, but the story that brings better ratings should be the priority for a news program. The media industry is facing some tough times as the corporate world is spending less on advertising and the internet has provided a cheaper channel that is taking business away from traditional media such as television stations. Advances in information technology are allowing for faster distribution of information than ever before (Shermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003, p.348). References Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior (8th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Part II The television device was invented in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth. Television became very popular soon after it reach ed the market because the device fascinated people as it provided great entertainment for the entire family. The television industry has impacted our society deeply and has helped shape our culture. Many television programs were designed to educate people about social causes that affect culture. For example the 1980’s program A Different Stokes starting Gary Coleman showed Americans that biracial families worked because love has no color. A lot of other programs have taught people about different aspects of our culture. Law and Order fans have learned a lot about the American judicial system and its law enforcement. Television has helped document our history. The first space mission to the moon, Apollo 11, was covered by television in 1969. A lot of important events such as

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A simple reply letter to a councillor, all materials provided. 2pages Essay

A simple reply letter to a councillor, all materials provided. 2pages Writer #381 - Essay Example For that reason, we would argue that the benefit of even just one more youth center would far surpass the cost. The problem as we see it is that the enormous potential of how youth centers help kids on their path toward maturity is far more difficult to quantify than a mere cost analysis can do. The most important element in CBD Renewal Project is that middle term-renewal. Renewal of a project carries with connotations that reach well beyond merely creating a more attractive faade. In order to fully renew a community, a long term vision is required that not only presents a more attractive front, but an entirely new foundation. The dilapidated facilities that you mentioned in your kind letter are best viewed as just one dimension to the more complex issue of rebuilding the broken spirit of our community. It was the breaking of that spirit that led to the decay of these buildings. A youth center is important not only in immediate terms of financial and social benefits, but as a basis upon which to build and strengthen the very vitality of the neighborhood in which is centered. We respect your position and knowledge enough to suggest, with all modesty, that we are just as concerned as you about renewing the g

Personal organization and time management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Personal organization and time management - Essay Example Matrix structure-this structure divides people into two different categories, one category is by the specific task they perform and the other is by the team of product they are working with. The major advantage of this structure is that productivity is increased and also the members have greater chances to be more creative and innovative because the members are expected to take responsibility for their work (Galloway,1921). This also allows managers and supervisors to make decisions easily to solve problems through interactions with the group. This is the most important element of all to me. Project-organizational structure-here, the members/workers are grouped together according to the number of staff required to produce a product or complete a task. Each significant task and the number of people it requires is put into consideration while using this structure to ensure that the right people are selected to participate in a particular project. Expect the unexpected-be ready for anything. Most of the time, things do not go as planned due to unavoidable circumstances, therefore it is important to always be ready for inconveniences (Forsyth, 2010). An example is in planning for activities by scheduling time for them. In most cases, lateness may occur due to unavoidable reasons. Therefore, allowing 15minutes earlier in the schedule will cover for any time lost. Avoid procrastination-this applies mostly to tasks that one does not like or tasks that are unpleasant. Instead of postponing them, it is important to do them as soon as possible so as to clear your schedule and make time for more important tasks (Limoncelli, 2009). Once you are done, it leaves you more energised to focus on the important ones. An example is when I did not feel like organising files for every athlete. I pushed the task for so long it ended up piling and I had to use a lot of time to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

News Director at a television station Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

News Director at a television station - Essay Example In the television business ratings are important. Programs that are able to obtain higher ratings can be used by television stations as cash cows that generate extra revenues because companies are willing to pay higher prices for ads aired in shows that have higher ratings. If I was faced with a scenario in which my news program had achieved low ratings during the last few weeks then I would choose the death of the celebrity as my lead story. Celebrities are icon figures that the general public follows closely. When a celebrity dies the entire media covers the story because people want to know about it. Another reason for choosing the celebrity story over the recreation parks story is because at the beginning of a news telecast it is always important to catch the attention of the viewers. A lot of television watchers are very impulsive viewers especially when it comes to watching news. If a person likes the initial news of the telecast the company increases the chances of retaining t he viewer throughout the entire program. The news story about the city council shutting down the recreational parks three days a week has a lot of social impact. A lot of mothers are going to be affected by this decision because they will have no place to take their kids to play during the days the parks are close down. This news story despite its importance to society would not be chosen by me as lead story when I have a sure top news story that can bring in better ratings. As I mentioned earlier in this industry one has to adapt and make decision depending on the circumstances. ... During political campaign season this story has greater appeal because of the political angle associated with the recreational parks story. During such as season due to the social impact and political implications I would not hesitate to choose this story as my lead. Both stories were good, but the story that brings better ratings should be the priority for a news program. The media industry is facing some tough times as the corporate world is spending less on advertising and the internet has provided a cheaper channel that is taking business away from traditional media such as television stations. Advances in information technology are allowing for faster distribution of information than ever before (Shermerhorn & Hunt & Osborn, 2003, p.348). References Schermerhorn, J., Hunt, J., Osborn, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior (8th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Part II The television device was invented in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth. Television became very popular soon after it reach ed the market because the device fascinated people as it provided great entertainment for the entire family. The television industry has impacted our society deeply and has helped shape our culture. Many television programs were designed to educate people about social causes that affect culture. For example the 1980’s program A Different Stokes starting Gary Coleman showed Americans that biracial families worked because love has no color. A lot of other programs have taught people about different aspects of our culture. Law and Order fans have learned a lot about the American judicial system and its law enforcement. Television has helped document our history. The first space mission to the moon, Apollo 11, was covered by television in 1969. A lot of important events such as

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Personal organization and time management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Personal organization and time management - Essay Example Matrix structure-this structure divides people into two different categories, one category is by the specific task they perform and the other is by the team of product they are working with. The major advantage of this structure is that productivity is increased and also the members have greater chances to be more creative and innovative because the members are expected to take responsibility for their work (Galloway,1921). This also allows managers and supervisors to make decisions easily to solve problems through interactions with the group. This is the most important element of all to me. Project-organizational structure-here, the members/workers are grouped together according to the number of staff required to produce a product or complete a task. Each significant task and the number of people it requires is put into consideration while using this structure to ensure that the right people are selected to participate in a particular project. Expect the unexpected-be ready for anything. Most of the time, things do not go as planned due to unavoidable circumstances, therefore it is important to always be ready for inconveniences (Forsyth, 2010). An example is in planning for activities by scheduling time for them. In most cases, lateness may occur due to unavoidable reasons. Therefore, allowing 15minutes earlier in the schedule will cover for any time lost. Avoid procrastination-this applies mostly to tasks that one does not like or tasks that are unpleasant. Instead of postponing them, it is important to do them as soon as possible so as to clear your schedule and make time for more important tasks (Limoncelli, 2009). Once you are done, it leaves you more energised to focus on the important ones. An example is when I did not feel like organising files for every athlete. I pushed the task for so long it ended up piling and I had to use a lot of time to

Pocahontas Term Paper Essay Example for Free

Pocahontas Term Paper Essay In Camilla Townsend’s book, Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma, Townsend points out that there are many historical inaccuracies and myths that are associated with the story of Pocahontas. Using historical evidence to support the story of Pocahontas, Townsend attempted to create an accurate timeline bringing the past to the present. At the same time, the Disney film Pocahontas attempted to depict Algonquian culture accurately, however, according to history, much of the material presented in the film is full of misconceptions and is historically imprecise. In fact, Disney’s Pocahontas epitomizes John Smith and Pocahontas as heroes who prevented a war between the Algonquian Native American tribes and the colonists who were living in Jamestown. However, historical evidence proves that at the time John Smith came into contact with Powhatan, Pocahontas was only a young child around the age of ten and, thus had very little influence over her father. Additionally, the film depicts John Smith as a leader who was looked up to by the other colonists, while historical records prove that he â€Å"had made many enemies by the time he had left Jamestown.†1 Disney inaccurately portrayed particular pieces of the Native American experience with the European colonists, specifically regarding Pocahontas, yet, it is important to consider the audience that this part of history was being presented to. One of the biggest historical inaccuracies presented in the Disney film Pocahontas is the love story between John Smith and Pocahontas. The fi lm exhibited John Smith and Pocahontas as falling madly in love at first sight. This love is represented in the film through the â€Å"colors of the wind† which can often be seen circling Smith or Pocahontas. In the book, Townsend provides evidence of a relationship between the two that included only friendship, laughter, and education, but not love. A demonstration of this relationship would be when Pocahontas â€Å"participated in a class of mutual language instruction with John Smith.†2 In fact, it is from these lessons that Smith was able to write down the only full Powhatan sentences to ever be recorded. While there was no love between Smith and Pocahontas, historical evidence has shown that Smith thought about Pocahontas in sexual  ways. Actually, â€Å"council investigation openly acknowledged that he made lewd comments about her – or having even done things to her – in jokes, or in moments of sexual arousal.†3 The true love story in Pocah ontas occurred between John Rolfe and Pocahontas at the Jamestown settlement a few years after Smith had made contact with the Algonquian tribe. Unfortunately, Rolfe was not even represented in the first Pocahontas film. Another historical inaccuracy that can be seen in the Disney film is the physical depiction of both John Smith and Pocahontas. The film portrays Smith as a young, tall, blonde-haired, blue-eyed colonist who is charming and interested in protecting the Native Americans after coming into contact with Pocahontas. In contrast, historical evidence mentions that he was interested in control, and his intent was to subjugate the Native Americans so that â€Å"they could be made to work for their conquerors.†4 Smith was particularly interested in power and control over the Native Americans to further the cause in the New World for the English, which â€Å"unfortunately had passed the English by for at least a century.†5 Interestingly, Smith is portrayed in the film as being a young adult, of similar age to Pocahontas; however, in reality he was a middle-aged man with a large beard, and much older than Pocahontas.6 Smith is not the only person who was represented inaccurately by Disney in the film. Pocahontas is portrayed in the film as being a tall, beautiful, young adult who is free-spirited and passionate about nature. The most serious inaccuracy regarding Pocahontas is undoubtedly the fact that she is represented as a young adult, most likely around the age of twenty. According to historical records, Pocahontas, at the time of Smith’s arrival to the New World, was only ten years old.7 Additionally, the film depicts Pocahontas as being shocked and in awe of the English, however, evidence shows that â€Å"at no point did Powhatan, Pocahontas, or any of their people look on the strangers with wide-mouthed awe or consider them gods.†8 In fact, it is because of her young age that Townsend believes that â€Å"Powhatan and his advisors were hardly under her influence† when it came to policy decisions. Thus, her representation as a young adult is historically inaccurate and was clearly put in place to support the imaginary love story betwee n her and John Smith and make this fairy tale seem more believable. In Disney’s Pocahontas, it is evident that Powhatan desires Pocahontas to marry a Native American. In fact, the film even depicts Powhatan selecting Kocoom,  one of his strongest warriors, to be Pocahontas’ future husband. However, Townsend shines light on the idea that Powhatan did not have a strong preference about who Pocahontas married because Pocahontas’ mother lacked â€Å"political significance.†9 For this reason, any male child that Pocahontas was to bear would have not been placed in a seat of power, so it was not particularly necessary that she marry at all. As a result, she was given the choice of whom she wanted to marry. Interestingly, historical records indicate that Pocahontas â€Å"married a man named Kocoom, around the age of twelve or thirteen† and that â€Å"she must have liked him very much indeed.†10 So while the Disney film inaccurately portrayed Powhatan’s interest in Pocahontas’ love life, the film was able to successfully introduce Kocoom as a great warrior who had love for Pocahontas. Unfortunately, the film also inaccurately depicted a skirmish between Smith and Kocoom, which ultimately led to Kocoom’s death after being shot in the back. One thing historians are certain about is that Kocoom was the first husband of Pocahontas, however, â€Å"within a few years Kocoom seems to have disappeared.†11 The true story behind what exactly happened to Kocoom is up for debate, although many believe that he could have been killed in war, as he was a warrior for Powhatan. Another historical inaccuracy in Pocahontas is the portrayal of Powhatan as a person who practices monogamy. In fact, there are slight references in the film that Pocahontas’ mother had died, thus, making Powhatan a widow. While it is possible that Pocahontas’ mother died, historians know that Powhatan practiced polygamy regardless, due to the numerous amount of children he had. Through this sy stem, â€Å"whole clans of brothers and sisters had an obvious shared interest in remaining united and maintaining their family’s power.†12 In Townsend’s book, it is stated that in order to maintain rule over the tribes he conquered, Powhatan would â€Å"simply marry a woman of their royal family† because â€Å"a son conceived by her would grow up with loyalty to both his father and to his mother’s people.†13 To be ensured of this loyalty, the children were to be raised by Powhatan himself. The film also portrayed the inaccurate idea that Powhatan was interested in killing all of the colonists. In fact, what Powhatan really wanted was to gain metal tools as well as technology in the form of guns, knives, hatchets and pans; this is the reason why he made a deal John Smith.14 Townsend even included the fact that Powhatan was interested in  Ã¢â‚¬Å"establishing kinship ties as a means of ensuring his expanding control.†15 While Disney portrayed the story of Pocahontas inaccurately in many ways, some of the historical information was displayed in a correct manner. At the beginning of the film, the women of the tribe can be seen working in the fields. This, from the study of history, is accurate because we know that every member of the tribe worked in the village, even the royal family.16 Women could be seen dividing into groups in the morning; some would work the field, some would pick up firewood, and others would gather Tuckahoe to make flour.17 The film also depic ted the Native Americans’ telling of great stories that included the European conquests of parts of the New World. Being that Native American culture is passed down orally, historians can easily accept this idea that historical tales were told around campfires. Townsend explains that on an â€Å"ordinary evening, Pocahontas might have sat in the flickering light of torches and the central fire†¦listening to the older people tell stories.†18 While historians will never know exactly what Pocahontas was taught about her ancestry, it is safe to assume that there were many stories about the prior attempts of colonization that the â€Å"coat-wearers† had on their land. When analyzing the historical inaccuracies of the Disney film Pocahontas, it is important to keep in mind the audience that the film was created for. Disney undoubtedly created the film as a way to introduce the concept of Native Americans to children. In fact, one could argue that the primary audi ence that this film was intended for is between the ages of six and nine. As a result, Disney would not want to create a film that portrays all Europeans as power-hungry and eager to conquer the world in violent ways. After all, American children are more than likely living on land that belonged to the Native Americans at one time. It would not be favorable for Disney to illustrate the people around these children as a group who is interested in stealing from others. Disney hopes to teach kids about the importance of giving to others and keeping those you love close. Thus, this is why we see John Smith and Pocahontas as attractive role models who fall madly in love. Pocahontas was created to be a fairytale that portrayed the idea of ultimate love and happiness, not to show the utter destruction that the Native Americans and their land suffered from after contact with the Europeans. One could argue that Pocahontas was created to depict a peaceful transfer of lands from the Native Americans to  the European colonists through mutual agreement, an example of how inaccuracies about the true occurrence still persist today. Disney attempted to develop a film that introduced the history of Native Americans and the New World to young children through a simplistic story with a happy ending. However, this could become dangerous if the children who view the film do not receive proper education about the subject and continuously base facts off the film. In general, making a fictitious representation of true events could pass as unobjectionable in order to make a story more interesting for film. In the case of Pocahontas, when a story works to make the group that was truly at fault look innocent, issues arise in terms of proper education and the reinforcement of unjust myths. The film, Pocahontas, was undoubtedly filled with many historical inaccuracies, which have caused confusion about the realistic story of Pocahontas, but it did provide truthful, basic background information about Native American lifestyle at the time of the European conquest. I agree with Townsend that Pocahontas deserves for her true story to be known. However, I believe that creating a Disney film was not the best way to accomplish this, nor was it the goal of the company. Introducing the true interactions and agreements made between the Algonquian Native Americans and the European conquerors was not possible to do through an animated Disney film due to the typical audience of the film and the simplistic, family-oriented themes that Disney incorporates. American History classes provided in American schools, particularly in areas that have a strong historical Native American presence, are doing a better job of teaching students about the truthful atrocities that the European settlers created for the Native Americans. It is clear, however, that pop-culture may not be at the same level of educating society. Works Cited Townsend, Camilla. Pocahontas and the Powhatan Dilemma. New York: Hill and Wang, 2004. Pocahontas. Dir. Mike Gabriel. 1995. DVD.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Influential Costs to Healthcare Departments

Influential Costs to Healthcare Departments Patrick Bobst New federal laws, government regulations and the continuous rising costs of medical care have healthcare organizations facing financial revenue challenges stemming from fluctuating patient volumes to declining reimbursements. A major change in the healthcare industry has incentivized healthcare systems to keeping patients healthy and out of facilities instead of applying patient volume reimbursements. Healthcare organizations are shifting to value-based models that strategically focus on initiatives to not only reduce costs, but also improve efficiency while improving quality care. Challenges to maintain high quality care under tight budgets will be a continuous and arduous task for senior leaders. Budgeting practices are regarded as an organizational imperative if costs are to be predicted and controlled(Frow, Marginson, Ogden, 2010). Nurse Managers with a firm grip on relevant budget information are influential to patient care and insure the patient is receiving the best and safes t possible service(Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010). Budgeting increases efficiency through planning and coordination as well provides the ability to weave together all the disparate threads of an organization into a comprehensiveplan that serves many purposes (King, Clarkson, Wallace, 2009). Organizations today are implementing strategies to control the rising cost of healthcare are aimed at reducing medical resource consumption rates (Reiter Song, 2013). Research has shown that shifting budget strategies away from growth and expansion of high fixed costs associated with hospital care is shifting from growth and expansion toward a focus on efficiency, maintenance and existing capital in order to achieve cost control (Reiter Song, 2013). Cost Concepts in Healthcare Nurse Managers are rarely involved with revenue information but mainly involved with the spending aspect of the budget (Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010). Understanding the relationship of cost to volume is an important concept in a manager’s role for a departmental budget. Complexity surrounds the concept of volume, especially in volume-driven healthcare revenue planning and reporting. Volume in hospitals includes not only the patient census numbers but also takes into account the patient acuity, patient insurance type, patient minute/hours/days, and number of patient visits (Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010). â€Å"Direct supply costs are the only truly variable costs and a hospital that can be directly tied to patient volume and to cash expenditures† (Rauh, Wadsworth, Weeks, 2010, p. 61). Labor can be classified into two broad categories of direct labor and indirect labor. Labor is direct when working wages can be identified with specific costing units such as departments products or sales contracts and indirect labor is identified as all other employees that cannot be directly traced to the costing units (Chiang, 2013). Distinguishing between direct and indirect labor is vital to the budgetary process in determining accurate costs, measuring efficiency, decision-making and control, and minimizing overhead allocation inaccuracies (Chiang, 2013). Costs that have a direct correlation to the department could be either a variable or a fixed cost and the sum of these components equate to the total cost. Fixed costs are those that stay the same regardless the number of patients a healthcare facility treats or admits. The hospital still has to pay fixed costs even if their services are not used or even underutilized. Examples of fixed costs include insurance premiums, rent o n buildings or equipment, depreciation on buildings or equipment, taxes, utilities, and some salaried labor costs(Roberts et al., 1999). In healthcare, variable costs are expenses that fluctuate directly and proportionally with patient volume (Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010). Variable costs comprise all direct materials related in treating an individual patient including medications, testing agents, and disposable supplies as well as the salaries of nurses and technicians. Nurse Managers are considered a direct cost to the nursing department since the salary is the same reoccurring amount each month regardless of the quantity or volume of patients. The medical supplies furnished to the nursing department will be a direct cost that will be a variable cost if the total amount of supply used in the department increases or decreases as a volume in the department fluctuates. In estimating budgets, nurse managers determine the relationship between fixed costs, variable costs and total costs by utilizing a relevant range graph. The relevant range graph represents the likely range of activities within each cost behavior that is covered by the budget(Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010). Labor’s Influential Department Costs With enduring economic changes in healthcare, executives are continuously seeking how best to manage labor costs, how to efficiently allocate resources and optimize hospital staffing while reducing expenses all the while improving patient care. Twenty-five to 30% of the healthcare budget in a hospital organization stems from the nursing department (Dunham-Taylor Pinczuk, 2010) and the variable costs of labor are often 50 to 60% of total operating expenses(Rauh, Wadsworth, Weeks, 2010). Nursing departments are the only area where labor costs are directly related to patient volumeand the hospital’s profitability is very sensitive to changes in patient volume (Rauh et al., 2010). A hospital loses 100% of the patient revenue when volume is reduced but saves only on the cost of the direct supplies, whereas when patient volumes increase the next patient become highly profitable since revenue is captured(Rauh et al., 2010). Rauh et al. (2010) asserts, the true cost of caring for t he next patients is relatively small, as the additional cost is limited to direct supplies(p. 62). As a result, nursing management will focus their attention on utilization and throughput, the driving force in any fixed cost industry (Rauh et al., 2010). With labor cost containment and productivity initiatives scrutinized, managers are implementing flexibility in staffing. Strategically integrating a flexible staffing workflow provides the ability to adjust skill mix of core staff and volume of workforce when volume cycles demand. PACU Staffing and Productivity The labor force of the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) is directly patient volume driven and planned differently than other units. The PACU workload resets daily, with a daily variation in census, and the workload is peaked by time of day. The unit of service indicator used for the PACU department during the budgetary process is 2.5910 hours per patient. For example, with 40 surgical cases scheduled the PACU’s productive target hours will be 103.64. Hours per patient minute (HPPM) are the numbers of hours of nursing care provided, compared to the number of patients during a 24-hour period. Actual productive HPPM is calculated by taking the total nursing hours spent providing direct patient care each month and dividing it by the actual patient minutes spent in PACU. These hours include nurses, clerical, ancillary staff, and the assistant nurse manager. The nurse manager reviews weekly reports for the target HPPM with actual HPPM, monitoring vacancy rates, and maintaining the a verage nurse to patient ratio of 1:2. Understanding these reports help the nurse manager make data driven budget and staffing decisions. Due to the PACU’s fluctuating workload and census, adjustments are necessary to the HPPM. In order to ensure safe patient care the PACU manager evaluates the nursing skill level each day and makes the proper skill mix adjustments. Since shift overlap overtime raises the HPPM, the nurse manager analyzes productivity reports daily. Historical data supported management’s decision to mitigate expensive nursing care hours with an adjustment in our workforce to flex positions in order to meet changing volumes. Nonproductive non-worked hours and nonproductive indirect hours are also important budgeting factors in labor. Nonproductive, indirect hours referred to the hours reserved for activities, meetings, education and orientation. Nonproductive non-worked hours include paid time off for vacation, holidays, and sick time. References Chiang, B. (2013). Indirect labor costs and implications for overhead allocation. Accounting Taxation, 5(1), 85-96. Dunham-Taylor, J., Pinczuk, J. Z. (2010). Financial management for nurse managers: Merging the heart with the dollar (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Frow, N., Marginson, D., Ogden, S. (2010). Continuous budgeting: reconciling budget flexibility with budgetary control. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 35, 444-461. King, R., Clarkson, P., Wallace, S. (2009). Budgeting practices and performance in small healthcare businesses. Management Accounting Research, 21, 40-55. Rauh, S., Wadsworth, E., Weeks, W. (2010). The fixed cost dilemma: What counts when counting cost reduction efforts. Healthcare Financial Management, 64(3), 60-63. Reiter, K. L., Song, P. H. (2013). Hospital capital budgeting in an era of transformation. Journal of Healthcare Finance, 39(3), 14-22. Roberts, R. R., Frutos, P. W., Ciavarella, G. G., Gussow, L. M., Mensah, E. K., Kampe, L. M. (1999). Distribution of variable versus fixed costs of hospital care. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 281, 644-650.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Psychedelic Drugs (aka Psychedelics) Essay -- essays research papers

Psychedelic Drugs (aka Psychedelics) Introduction: Throughout human history people have sought experiences that somehow transcend every day life. Some sort of wisdom that might progress their knowledge of self and of the world that they live in. For some reason they believed that the tangible world just could not be all there is to life. Some believed in a greater force that controlled them, some believed of invisible beings that influenced their lives, some of an actual other world that paralleled their own. Many of these people also believed that it was possible to catch a glimpse of these forces, beings, or worlds through a variety of means that propel individuals into altered states of consciousness. These techniques include meditation, hypnosis, sleep deprivation, and (what will be discussed here) psychoactive drugs, more specifically psychedelic drugs. Although in the modern world such drugs have developed an almost taboo status, it is impossible to ignore the tales of enlightenment reported by ancient cultures and even those rebels that use such drugs illegally today. While the American government has been one of the main influences on today’s society’s negative attitudes towards psychedelic drugs, they have granted some scientist and psychologists permission to experiment with such agents, and despite the controversy and varying results there seem to be many positive uses of psychedelic agents. These positive uses and the research that has been directed toward these uses will be reviewed in the following, as well as a brief history of psychedelic drugs. History:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Native Americans are probably the people most known for their use of psychedelic drugs. Being a very religious people, their entire society revolved around the spirit world, and some believed that access to this world was possible by eating certain plants that were abundant in their surroundings. In what are now Mexico and the Southwestern United States, tribes familiarized themselves with mescaline, the active ingredient in the peyote cactus. Another drug that was used by tribes in these and many other areas was psilocybin, the active hallucinogenic ingredient of the mushroom Psilocybe mexicana and other psilocybe and conocybe species that grow on the pacific coast of North, South, and Central America. Ritual use of psilocybin and mesca... ... research the government has allowed scientists and psychologists, there have been amazing discoveries of the capacities of these drugs. It has been proven that they are able to extend psychotherapy’s view of the human mind, they are able to promote massive personality changes, and to enhance the learning and problem solving experience. It has even been suggested that psychedelics are able to enhance any aspect of mental functioning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One must look beyond the stereotypes that psychedelics have earned in the twentieth century, and also modern science, that presupposes that any thing that cannot be explained within its own contexts either does not exist or is but a fanciful idea. However, the realm of psychedelics is uncharted area, and when dealing with such experimental substances, such as these psychedelic agents, one must proceed with caution, as was mentioned earlier the agents are powerful tools and can be used with skill or reckless abandon, and therefore can yield positive responses or deadly consequences. If used with care psychedelics will allow many psychologists and patients to embark on a perhaps endless journey of self-discovery.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

England in 1819 Essay -- essays papers

England in 1819 Great poetry is great not because of what it says but because of how it is phrased. Few poems say anything that is very profound; instead, the best of them use language in novel, memorable, and effective ways. Certainly this is true of Percy Bysshe Shelley's famous sonnet "England in 1819." In this poem Shelley describes the depressing, dark, and dirty state of affairs caused in Britain by political, social, and spiritual corruption. However, this poem would not be nearly as effective if it were not for Shelley's powerful use of such classic rhetorical devices as adjectives, alliteration, assonance, imagery, irony, lists, themes, and verbs. One device that Shelley employs very potently is the use of adjectives. The sonnet is full of vivid descriptive words. Such words include "old," "mad," "blind," "despised," "dying" (l. 1), "dull" (l. 2), "muddy" (l. 3), "leech-like" (l. 5), "Golden," "sanguine" (l. 10), "Christless," "Godless" (l. 11), "glorious" (l. 13) and "tempestuous" (l.14). All these adjectives are obviously strong, memorable, and effective. A second technique that Shelley utilizes quite skillfully is alliteration. The poem is filled with the repetition of consonant sounds. For example, alliteration is apparent in such words as "despised and dying" (l. 1), "dregs" and "dull" (l. 2), "mud" and "muddy" (l. 3), "blind," "blood," and "blow" (l. 6), and "starved and stabbed" (l. 7). Shelley's use of this kind of emphasis on consonants makes his phrasing linger in one's ears. A third tactic that Shelley uses very strongly is the use of assonance. The poem includes several repetitions of vowel sound in stressed syllables. Examples of such as... ...empt" (l. 10), "slay" (l. 10), "burst" (l. 14), and "illumine" (l. 14) are used to describe the terrible situation the country was in. Because verbs are stronger and clearer than adjectives, they make the poem more effective. The choice of depressing verbs gives the intended dark atmosphere of the setting. In this poem Shelley uses rhetorical devices such as adjectives, alliteration, assonance, imagery, irony, listing, repetition, theme, and verb to make his poem memorable and effective. These rhetorical devices make the poem memorable and effective. It is through such techniques that a good poet like Shelley makes his poem powerful. "England in 1918" is a superb example of how it is possible to express one's views effectively through a poem. The reason the poem is effective is not because of what it says but because of how it is phrased. England in 1819 Essay -- essays papers England in 1819 Great poetry is great not because of what it says but because of how it is phrased. Few poems say anything that is very profound; instead, the best of them use language in novel, memorable, and effective ways. Certainly this is true of Percy Bysshe Shelley's famous sonnet "England in 1819." In this poem Shelley describes the depressing, dark, and dirty state of affairs caused in Britain by political, social, and spiritual corruption. However, this poem would not be nearly as effective if it were not for Shelley's powerful use of such classic rhetorical devices as adjectives, alliteration, assonance, imagery, irony, lists, themes, and verbs. One device that Shelley employs very potently is the use of adjectives. The sonnet is full of vivid descriptive words. Such words include "old," "mad," "blind," "despised," "dying" (l. 1), "dull" (l. 2), "muddy" (l. 3), "leech-like" (l. 5), "Golden," "sanguine" (l. 10), "Christless," "Godless" (l. 11), "glorious" (l. 13) and "tempestuous" (l.14). All these adjectives are obviously strong, memorable, and effective. A second technique that Shelley utilizes quite skillfully is alliteration. The poem is filled with the repetition of consonant sounds. For example, alliteration is apparent in such words as "despised and dying" (l. 1), "dregs" and "dull" (l. 2), "mud" and "muddy" (l. 3), "blind," "blood," and "blow" (l. 6), and "starved and stabbed" (l. 7). Shelley's use of this kind of emphasis on consonants makes his phrasing linger in one's ears. A third tactic that Shelley uses very strongly is the use of assonance. The poem includes several repetitions of vowel sound in stressed syllables. Examples of such as... ...empt" (l. 10), "slay" (l. 10), "burst" (l. 14), and "illumine" (l. 14) are used to describe the terrible situation the country was in. Because verbs are stronger and clearer than adjectives, they make the poem more effective. The choice of depressing verbs gives the intended dark atmosphere of the setting. In this poem Shelley uses rhetorical devices such as adjectives, alliteration, assonance, imagery, irony, listing, repetition, theme, and verb to make his poem memorable and effective. These rhetorical devices make the poem memorable and effective. It is through such techniques that a good poet like Shelley makes his poem powerful. "England in 1918" is a superb example of how it is possible to express one's views effectively through a poem. The reason the poem is effective is not because of what it says but because of how it is phrased.